To close 2024, GPA Midstream engaged in pipeline safety advocacy efforts to make sure midstream is navigating an evolving political landscape.
Why it matters: Whether it's the current Biden administration or the incoming Trump administration, it's crucial to make sure policymakers at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) understand the perspective of GPA Midstream members. This engagement is vital for shaping regulations that affect the midstream sector.
During a busy December, GPA Midstream, led by members of the Pipeline Safety Committee, met with OMB to discuss PHMSA's proposed Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) rule, and worked with several other energy trade associations to request a comment deadline extension for proposed regulations regarding categorical exclusions.
GPA Midstream meets with OMB on LDAR rule

GPA Midstream members and staff met with OMB on December 9 to discuss the proposed Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) rule by PHMSA.
The rule has not been published in the Federal Register, which provided an opportunity for industry stakeholders to express concerns about impacts on gathering and processing operations.
OMB's role is to ensure regulations are cost-beneficial, so participants highlighted the cost burden if the final rule mandates certain leak detection technologies.
What’s next: The GPA Midstream Pipeline Safety Committee will continue to engage and ensure members' viewpoints are considered, appropriately adapting advocacy strategies based on when the rule publishes and who is in the White House.
GPA Midstream seeks comment extension on PHMSA proposal
GPA Midstream collaborated with several other energy trade associations on December 18 to request a comment deadline extension for proposed regulations regarding categorical exclusions.
In early December, PHMSA proposed new categorical exclusions and agency implementing procedures consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).
However, it appears that in drafting this proposal, PHMSA did not consider the recent D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Marin Audubon Society v. the Federal Aviation Administration.
GPA Midstream, in coordination with the other energy trade associations, wants to provide fulsome comments, especially given recent court actions. Doing so requires more time.
The agency has not announced a decision on the extension, so the group is working on comments to be submitted as soon as possible. PHMSA has alluded to reviewing comments, even if they are provided after the deadline currently set for January 9. GPA Midstream staff will update the Pipeline Safety Committee on this rulemaking as developments occur.
Go deeper: Read the request for extension letter.
Join the Pipeline Safety Committee and stay up to date on the LDAR rule and proposed categorical exclusions.