Midstream Technical Veteran Program

Member companies devote resources to develop subject matter experts, who are the functional backbone of the midstream industry. When a professional retires, their knowledge remains valuable to the industry. GPA Midstream, its committee volunteers and its member companies can continue to draw value from these experts by encouraging and assisting their continued participation in the midstream industry. Through GPA Midstream's Midstream Technical Veteran (MTV) program, recent retirees can support the association’s technical efforts and share a career full of lessons learned to share with younger volunteers.
- To supplement the GPA Midstream Technical Program workforce with industry experts.
- To preserve the knowledge and experience of the exiting workforce which will accelerate the development of new midstream industry employees.
Program Rules
- New MTVs: must have retired from a GPA Midstream or GPSA member company within the last three years and either have been an active committee member or be sponsored by an active committee member. Returning MTVs must be an active volunteer contributing significantly to at least one work group.
- Applicants must be retired and not use this opportunity to aid in gainful employment. Applicants may perform occasional consulting for the company they retired from. Applicants who earn a life sustaining income as a technical consultant in the midstream are not eligible for the MTV program. They can continue contributing to committee and work group efforts by becoming GPSA members.
- Potential MTVs must submit a completed application.
- MTVs will be approved on an annual basis for a one-year term. A committee can vote to eliminate support if an MTV’s help is no longer needed, or they cease to be active.
- Each committee may have up to two MTVs. Committees may request additional MTVs if they have a large workload and may get approval if other committees aren’t using all their MTV positions.
- MTVs must be actively helping on a committee initiative or engaged in a work group.
- Approved MTVs will receive complimentary registrations for GPA Midstream events which include relevant committee or work group meetings. MTVs will receive an honorarium of $325 per day for the GPA Midstream Convention and $250 per day for the Technical Conference and meetings not local to them to assist with food and lodging. Assistance for travel is not provided.
Application Form