GPA Midstream has six technical committees, as well as additional working groups dedicated to establishing and maintaining standards and best practices for safe, efficient, and clean operations of midstream facilities.
Click here for a list of all GPA Midstream committees, including each of the technical committees. Descriptions of the committee types and how to get involved are at the top of the page. Please note that technical committees are open to personnel of GPA Midstream and GPSA member companies.
Clicking on the name of a technical committee will take you to the committee’s informative webpage. There the committee charter, officers, list of companies with representatives on the committee, and other information can be found.
More information can be found by logging into your account. Once logged in you can click on Committees from the left-hand menu then Committee Directory from the drop-down menu to see the list of committees. Click on the button labeled Details to the right of a committee to go to the committee details webpage within the members area.
Committee details webpages include committee officers, a link to the list of committee members, meeting minutes and committee charter for download. Within this members only area contact information is available. For questions of a technical matter please contact the committee leaders. For questions of a technical matter or to join or leave a committee please contact GPA Midstream staff (for the technical area that is Martin Erne).
Committees typically meet twice a year: in the spring at the GPA Midstream Technical Conference and in the fall at the GPA Midstream Annual Convention. Agendas are sent to committee members one month prior and meeting minutes sent one month after meetings, dependent upon their timely submission.
A committee’s area of focus and mission are defined by the committee charter. Committee charters are approved by the GPA Midstream Board of Directors at one of their tri-annual meetings.
Click here for information about the duties and responsibilities for committee leaders and members.
Projects undertaken by a technical committee are carried out via work groups (WGs). Any committee member may draft and submit a work group charter to the committee chair for consideration. If a chair deems a draft WG charter ready, they submit it to GPA Midstream staff for ballot. New WGs can also be proposed, discussed, and balloted during a committee meeting. Committee approved WG charters are then balloted to the Technical Executive Committee (TEC). If the TEC approves a WG charter the WG is initiated and work may commence.
WG Charters must be filled out completely with a WG Lead identified and at least two additional WG members included to be considered. To minimize the possibility of a conflict of interest, the WG lead must be from an operating company and not a vendor.
WGs are not a final product so they do not require 60% committee participation for approval. To suggest changes to the content of a WG Charter voters should cast either an approve with comments or abstain with comments vote and include the suggested changes as the comments. The only reason to cast a negative vote is to dispute the committee undertaking the project and valid rationale why must be included with the ballot. Edits to the content of a WG charter should be submitted with either an approve with comments or abstain with comments vote. All ballot comments will be considered and discussed with the submitter. WG charters will not be considered approved until the committee chair reviews and addresses all ballot comments. A single, valid negative vote ends a WG’s creation.
WG Leads schedule and run WG meetings as they see necessary to complete their project in a timely manner. GPA Midstream staff and committee officers aren’t always aware of these nor do they necessarily participate in them. WG meetings are informal and so do not require agendas or minutes.
The list of active WGs can be found in the members area of To find them select Committees from the left-hand menu then Committee Directory from the drop-down menu. WGs are listed with a prefix WGXX so you must scroll down the Committee Directory webpage to find them. Each WG’s parent committee is listed at the beginning of the description. Clicking on the Details button to the right will take you to the WG details webpage. On the WG details webpage the WG Leader, WG Charter, and WG Member list can be found. To join a WG contact the WG Lead. WG rosters are maintained by the WG Lead and so will only be current if they provide that information to GPA Midstream Staff.
GPA Midstream staff uses the third-party website to facilitate projects for the Technical Program. The link to the root folder of this is located here:
Use of this file sharing website is optional. GPA Midstream staff populates folders, grants permissions to committee officers and WG Leads, and uploads charters, rosters, agendas and minutes. Currency of the rest of the content is dependent upon members.
Each committee has its own folder and each WG a subfolder under the parent committee. Anyone can view and download these folders (projects with sensitive information may password protect their folder). Committee officers and WG leads are given upload, modify, and delete permission to their respective folder(s). WG Leads may grant upload, modify, and/or delete permission to WG members within their folder if they choose.